C145M Introductory Microcomputer Interfacing Laboratory
EL ENG C145M Introductory Microcomputer Interfacing Laboratory 3 Units
Faculty in charge: Prof. S. Derenzo
Offered through: Electrical Engin and Computer Sci
Terms offered: Not yet offered
Catalog description:
Laboratory exercises constructing basic interfacing circuits and writing 20-100 line C programs for data acquisition, storage, analysis, display, and control. Use of the IBM PC with microprogrammable digital counter/timer, parallel I/O port. Circuit components include anti-aliasing filters, the S/H amplifier, A/D and D/A converters. Exercises include effects of aliasing in periodic sampling, fast Fourier transforms of basic waveforms, the use of the Hanning filter for leakage reduction, Fourier analysis of the human voice, digital filters, and control using Fourier deconvolution. Lectures cover principles explored in the lab exercises and design of microcomputer-based systems for data acquisitions, analysis and control.
Number of students in lab:
Labs are held in 125 Cory