Introduction to Robotics
EL ENG C106A Introduction to Robotics 4 Units
EL ENG 206A Introduction to Robotics 4 Units
Faculty in charge: Prof. R. Bajcsy
Terms offered: 2016 Fall, 2015 Fall
Catalog description:
An introduction to the kinematics, dynamics, and control of robot manipulators, robotic vision, and sensing. The course covers forward and inverse kinematics of serial chain manipulators, the manipulator Jacobian, force relations, dynamics, and control. It presents elementary principles on proximity, tactile, and force sensing, vision sensors, camera calibration, stereo construction, and motion detection. The course concludes with current applications of robotics in active perception, medical robotics, and other areas.
Labs are held in 119 Cory and 133 Sutarja Dai Hall
Number of students in lab:
Stations 1 to 9 (9 stations)